David Joy

Staff R&D Engineer

Computer Vision

Kitware North Carolina
Carrboro, NC

M.S. in Information Technology
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

B.S. in Computer Science
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

David Joy is a Staff R&D Engineer at Kitware, joining in 2018. At Kitware, David’s focus has been on software and system integration, serving as a leader in this area over several large and complex efforts, including the DARPA ITM, IARPA SMART, IARPA CORE3D, and the DoD-funded VIGILANT programs. David’s primary responsibility across these programs is to ensure that Kitware has a complete and functional system in line with the program’s goals and metrics. This often entails developing new software capabilities, integrating existing software and algorithms, and working with multiple university and corporate collaborators to ensure that the software fits together seamlessly.

Prior to joining Kitware, David worked for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a member of the test and evaluation teams on several IARPA/DARPA-sponsored information technology evaluations. David’s primary contribution to these efforts was in developing scoring and annotation software.

David received his B.S. in Computer Science followed by an M.S. in Information Technology from UNC Charlotte in 2011 under the Scholarship for Service program.


  1. B. Hu, B. Ray, A. Leung, A. Summerville, D. Joy, C. Funk, and A. Basharat, "Language Models are Alignable Decision-Makers: Dataset and Application to the Medical Triage Domain," arXiv, 2024. [URL]
  2. J. Parham, D. Joy, P. Gurram, S. Brockman, R. Blue, A. Hoogs, B. Minnehan, S. Thomas, C. Liberatore, R. Profeta, and T. Rovito, "From Commercial Satellites to National Defense: A Review of VIGILANT for Object Detection, Classification, Mensuration, and Patch-based Search in Satellite Imagery," in Proceedings of the National Security Sensor and Data Fusion Committee (NSSDF), 2023.

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