Lyon manager Fabio Grosso: “No one’s face should ever go viral for these reasons.”

In a press conference held on Friday, Olympique Lyonnais head coach addressed the press for the first time since the attack on the team’s bus in Marseille last Sunday. Grosso, who suffered severe injuries during the incident, emphasised the need for immediate changes to enhance safety in and around football stadiums in a press conference transcribed by L’Équipe.

Grosso began the conference by expressing gratitude for his recovery and highlighting the importance of putting people’s lives above the sport. He stated, “We were disappointed, angry, and upset. Sunday was a very sad day for sports. We cannot jeopardize people’s lives for the sake of a game. I am not the most important here; there were 40 people on the bus, and it could have been someone else. The supporters’ buses were also targeted. And I might not have been here to tell you about it.”

Grosso calls for perspective, and questions security measures

When asked about his current state of mind, Grosso acknowledged the necessity of putting things into perspective. He expressed concern for the decisions that would be made in the aftermath of the incident. Grosso also questioned the timing of security measures, saying, “I hope we won’t wait for something even worse to happen. It feels like we passed through a place we shouldn’t have. On the way to the game, we had two motorcycles and two cars in the escort. On the way back, we had four cars and 20 motorcycles. Why do we take action only after the event?”

Grosso’s bloodied face became an emblem of the attack, but he wished it had not garnered international attention. He stressed the importance of preventing such incidents, saying, “No one’s face should ever go viral for these reasons. It should never happen. We drove through an area with many rocks by the road due to construction; it’s not normal. Removing supporters from the stadium won’t solve the issue. Improving security will.”

Refocusing back to the pitch

In terms of his physical condition, Grosso mentioned that he was physically weak earlier in the week but described his inner resolve as a “volcano.” He shared his message with the players, focusing on the importance of the team’s performance on the field. Grosso urged them to show their unity and secure points in their upcoming match against Metz, scheduled for Sunday at 1:00 PM. He believes that the cohesion demonstrated in the locker room after the Marseille incident should translate into success on the pitch, emphasising, “If we did it in the dressing room last Sunday in Marseille, we can do it on the field. And if we do, we will win.”

GFFN | George Boxall


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